As I sit here to type this blog post I am deeply humbled and convicted. It is easy for me to be quick to prescribe solutions to problems without being willing to roll up my sleeves and get dirty. To get uncomfortable and walk in the freedom that is found in Christ. I sit here today admitting there is a list of generational family sin patterns that I have to come before the Lord and acknowledge. I wish I could say joyfully but that would not be true, I am having to drag myself out of the comfort and familiarity of dysfunction. And continue to allow the Lord to do his good work of breaking, healing, and rebuilding.
So instead of sitting here trying to come up with the perfect hook and how-to list. I am going to join you in the learning and stretching and write about what a dear brother in the Lord shares in his book and some of his takeaways. The book is called "Soul Care" by Dr. Rob Reimer. The chapter I will be referring to is "Soul Care Principle #3, Overcoming Family Sin Patterns."
Understanding Family Sin Patterns
To begin the journey of breaking the cycle of family sin patterns we must first acknowledge the power family sin patterns hold over us and what they are specifically. How can we move forward in victory when we have no idea what we are trying to gain victory over? Reimer mentions that "Family sin patterns have an unusual pull on our souls, they are often the most stubborn sin patterns to break."
The Bible gives us good examples of the strength of generational sin patterns. Think about Abraham and his problem with lying. He lied that his wife was his sister because he was afraid that someone would kill him and take her (Genesis 12:10-20; 20:2-12). And then Isaac Abraham's son repeats the same exact lie (Genesis 26:6-11). Isaac's son Jacob's nickname is "the deceiver." Also, think about King David and his problem with sexual immorality and how that carried down to his sons Amnon, Absalom, and Solomon. These sins multiplied over generations, and they became more deeply entrenched and severe. To the point where these generational sin patterns could be viewed as generational curses. Whoa! Reimer says, " Sometimes these areas have demonically reinforced power. Deuteronomy talks about blessings and curses, and it says that when a clan repeats a sin from generation to generation, it becomes a curse. This is a pattern of behavior that has demonically reinforced strength applied to it."
And making a mere promise to not be like your parents in their area of sin is not enough. Truthfully most people who make such promises find themselves deep into the sin that they were trying to avoid. Or they may have been able to achieve not following into that specific sin but find themselves struggling very deeply in other areas. Family sin patterns always affect us. But friends there can be victory, but it won't be a walk in the park. You will have to fight! You are not only breaking your struggles but a generational pattern of sin.
We need to acknowledge and explore our family's sin patterns, doing so can bring freedom. Do not hide it in secrecy anymore. The most honorable thing we can do is to break family sin patterns. It brings no honor to the current generation or the next generation to continue in brokenness and dysfunction.
But, in doing so I am learning that talking about family or generational sin patterns isn't to be used as an excuse to shift blame or make excuses for our sins. We talk about our family sin patterns to gain victory so that we can live with a legacy leading to the future. This is the heart of living generationally.
Some Questions we can ask ourselves:
What are the behaviors/sins that have been sown generationally within my family? (Ask the Lord and make a list)?
How have these behaviors/sins affected me? What are ways these behaviors/sins manifested within my life? (Ask those around you if you need help)
Friends, let's encourage one another to walk in the freedom Christ has bought for us. And if you do not know Jesus as your Lord and savior. Know that today is the day of salvation. And Jesus died for you and me and everyone else so that we may be freed from the stronghold of sin and death and find everlasting eternal life in him. There is no other sacrifice that satisfies the holy and just wrath of God.
If you would like a deeper dive into my story of breaking the cycle visit the podcast on YouTube:
Breakthrough is coming friends, but it will be a process! Let's do it together :)