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Living with LEGACY Leading to the FUTURE
Are you ready to break away from generational patterns of brokenness and dysfunction? Are you ready to live with legacy leading to the future? Living generationally challenges people to consider not only the needs of the current generation but also how their actions and decisions will affect those to come. Building a legacy that will be sustained and passed on to generations to come.
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The Living Generationally Podcast
We believe that living a life of legacy that leads to the future starts with how we perceive our day-to-day lives. Starting here will help us foster a sense of purpose, gratitude, and accountability. This allows us to consider how our daily actions and decision-making impact not only our lives but also the lives of those around us. It is here where we can build generational legacies. We will release new episodes on TUESDAY and THURSDAY!
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Educational Investment
Stewardship of Resources
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